Petrophysical Analyses

What data does NiMBUC Geoscience work with and what does the workflow look like?

We offer the Standard Log analysis, looking at logs such as Gamma Ray, Sonic, Neutron, Density, SP, Pe or Resistivity. Our workflow includes at first the QC of the raw data, then splicing and merging of the logs, if necessary. We can work with logs from any provider and age.

What interpretations are possible from the well logs?

Possible interpretations always depend on the availability of data and their quality. Our strict QC procedures ensure that the interpretations are sound and possible sources of error are mentioned in our reports.

The Well-Log analysis can be complemented with core plug data to reduce uncertainties. Also, the interpretations can be used by us together with other interpretation i.e., Borehole Image or Seismic Interpretations.

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